Android 13 adoption recently doubled, but it’s still behind a few older versions

What you need to know

  • A distribution report shows Android 13 is on 12.1% of devices as of April 2023.
  • Adoption more than doubled after sitting at just 5% per the report for January 2023.
  • Android 11 is still featured on the majority of Android devices, as it currently holds at 23.5%.
  • Android 14 has recently moved into its first official beta for Pixel phones.

Android 13 is Google’s latest software iteration for the millions of phones in the world, but its newest distribution report paints an intriguing picture.

Google’s quarterly distribution report (formerly monthly) of its software states Android 13 is seeing a bit of an increase in device adoption (via 9to5Google). While not currently yet on Android Studio, the report states Android 13’s first appearance in the market share report saw it featured on just 5% of devices around the world in January 2023, following its release in August 2022.

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