Did you know Instagram Planning to Hide the “People Who Have Liked” List for the Viewers Instagram is planning to introduce a feature in which the number of likes on a post will not be visible to the viewers. While ...

Did you know Data Scraping Chrome Extensions Are Getting Sued by Facebook Chrome extensions are supposed to make your life easier for you, but most of the time they end up doing a lot more harm than good. The main ...

Facebook’s New Insights Tell About Much More Than Just the Latest Shopping Trends Recently, Facebook has released a detailed guide as a part of their ‘Industry Perspectives’ series. The ‘future of shopping ‘report is all about shaping key trends, along ...

WhatsApp Is Encountering Staunch Resistance In Its Biggest Marketplace, India Following the recent policy updates WhatsApp announced for its userbase, and the calamity of backlash that ensued from said userbase, the social media app is losing a lot of its ...

Facebook’s New Report Sheds Light On Emerging Digital Trends That Will Shape The Future We all know that Facebook collects our data to link us up with ads and other recommendations that the app thinks we might prefer. Since last ...