Every web or enterprise application needs certain technology (like programming languages, frameworks, platforms) or technology stack to develop it based on customer needs.  The technology stack encloses many languages and frameworks as one list to build a particular application. There ...

Mobile apps have become an emerging platform, and mobile app traffic is very high, with a well-appreciated response from the people. So, entrepreneurs are focusing on the mobile app development process to develop their businesses to the next level.  To ...

Would you like to know the best technology for your web application? Have a glance at Node.js and Python.  It is an arduous task to hand-pick the best platform that enables you to create a web application. Many were baffled ...

Where It Started: History of Angular and React Angular  AngularJS was developed by Google (by Igor Minar, a former Google employee) as an open-source framework for developing Single Page Applications (SPA).  Other companies such as Netflix, Microsoft, PayPal, and more ...