8. “I am returning to school for dental hygiene. Dental hygienists earn a fair amount of money and often work part time or work full time for a bit then take some time off. This seemed a perfect career fit ...

But not everyone scoffed at the situation. A decent amount of people think SPK should consider taking the role — especially considering how it pays significantly more than they currently make. “As shitty as it sounds, this is your opportunity ...

6. “I was eight months pregnant and I had gone three times to the hospital for trouble breathing, which I thought was due to asthma and allergies. Every time before this one I had been told that I was just ...

21 Viral Before And After Photos Of Rescued Pets I don’t know if it’s the holiday season, but my emotions are all over the place. So, whenever I need to feel something, I run right over to the “BeforeNAfterAdoption” subreddit ...