“When my kids were little (and we were very poor), we went on trips to the pet store to look at the animals. It was like a mini trip to the zoo. We would always buy a treat for the ...

21 Photos Of Thanksgiving Food Fails You can’t eat at everybody’s house. Some people are not good cooks, and some people just should not be in the kitchen. And I’m convinced that these 21 Thanksgiving dishes came out of cursed ...

9. “When I was pretty new in my relationship with my now-wife, one of my friends came over because we had planned to do karaoke that night. When he showed up, he was already wasted, and he immediately started an ...

16 Cringey DMs From Dating Apps If you’ve ever been on a dating app, then you’ve likely been subject to more than one extremely cringey DM, and these 16 fellow swipers can 100% relate. Here’s some of the oddest messages ...

13. “My high school English teacher, who had only recently graduated from college and was very normal-seeming, was teaching the book Finnegans Wake by James Joyce and a major theme in that book is dreaming, so she decided to read ...