I can’t scroll without seeing that nicotine-obsessed, smoking duck. View Entire Post › Source link ...

#4: “I have walked into a courtroom in a suit, checked in for a case, and overheard the judge say to the other side, ‘counsel for so and so is here,’ and had the other (male) attorney look around the ...

Imagine the former president kiki-ing about #KateGate over tea. View Entire Post › Source link ...

In short, Kate Middleton has largely gone unseen for months (besides a blurry spotting in a car); the family seemingly tried to quell suspicions about her location by releasing a photograph of Kate, which ended up being photoshopped. And despite ...

playing hide and seek, playing tag, playing marco polo in the swimming pool, playing football at the park until night, playing ding dong ditch (tok tokkie). man what a childhood. https://t.co/L09kb32Ve5 — thanos was right. 🇿🇦❤️🏆 (@ofentse_thegoat) March 10, 2024 ...