Getty Images Amid increasing use of generative AI in music, the Recording Academy has updated its rules for the 66th annual Grammy Awards regarding the role of AI in considered works, Reuters reports. To be eligible for an award, a ...

Enlarge / Midjourney 5.2 allows “zooming out” on synthesized images. The original synthetic image is shown in the red dotted box here. Midjourney On Thursday, Midjourney unveiled version 5.2 of its AI-powered image synthesis model, which includes a new “zoom ...

Enlarge / A still image taken from the AI-generated Secret Invasion TV show intro on Disney+. Marvel On Wednesday, Marvel’s latest comic book TV show, Secret Invasion, premiered on Disney+ to controversy: It features AI-generated motion graphics during its title ...

Getty Images As part of a massive ongoing cyberattack that exploits flaws in MOVEit file transfer software, the personal data of millions of US citizens, including those residing in Louisiana and Oregon, have been exposed to criminal organizations, according to ...

Enlarge / The EU flag in front of an AI-generated background. EU / Stable Diffusion On Wednesday, European Union officials voted to implement stricter proposed regulations concerning AI, according to Reuters. The updated draft of the “AI Act” law includes ...