Every week, MobileSyrup outlines some of the most notable movies and TV shows that recently hit Canadian streaming platforms. Our ‘Streaming in Canada’ column typically focuses on new content from Amazon Prime Video, Crave and Netflix, but other services like Apple TV+ ...

Every week, MobileSyrup outlines some of the most notable movies and TV shows that recently hit Canadian streaming platforms. Our ‘Streaming in Canada’ column typically focuses on new content from Amazon Prime Video, Crave and Netflix, but other services like ...

Samsung has announced The Freestyle Gen 2 with Gaming Hub. The new Freestyle projector introduces cloud gaming support with improved performance. With the addition of the Gaming Hub, users can access a variety of game streaming services, including Xbox Cloud ...

Back in May, Universal released The Super Mario Bros. Movie on digital platforms (PVOD), allowing people to buy or rent the movie at a premium. Now, the hit Illumination animated film has started to make its way to subscription video on demand ...

Microsoft has submitted a new change of circumstances document to the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in an attempt to get approval for its pending acquisition of Activision Blizzard. The CMA first blocked the merger in April, primarily over concerns ...