The stakes are high for enterprise cybersecurity teams because of the fast-evolving and insidious nature of malware attacks. Malware is morphing faster than a human can respond with thousands of new variants emerging daily. Attackers can modify their existing attacks ...

Climate change poses an existential threat to who we are and how we function as a society. Rising global temperatures, fueled by excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, will result in strained infrastructure, species loss, and sea level rise. The ...

Growing up, I was a big Formula 1 fan. Whenever I saw the Ferrari duos–Schumacher and Barrichello–I was glued to my TV. But it’s not just the sheer speed that enthralls me. The number of hours put in by the ...

Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) offer an ever-expanding array of instance types, ensuring that for any given workload there exists the perfect hosting option that matches the exact needs of that app or business service. But with this expansion comes an ...

Redis assumes the default GCC compiler on supported operating system distributions for reasons of portability and ease of use. The build compiler flags, present since the early stages of the project, remained quite conservative across the years, with -O2 as ...