If a date tells you they don’t like Dolly Parton as a person, you need to run (fast) the other way. View Entire Post › Source link ...

“Just to clarify, I still love and appreciate my city and think it’s well worth the visit. As a matter of fact, I would like to see MORE tourists who actually visit Amsterdam FOR Amsterdam — its architecture, history, culture, ...

13. “Your playlist has to have some whiplash to it (e.g., two or more genres that are a rare combination, like Slipknot and Carly Rae Jepsen).” Martyn Goodacre / Getty Images, Erika Goldring / WireImage Source link ...

Okay, but if anything, I think we can all agree that the bread is something Europe does way, way better than us. View Entire Post › Source link ...

“She asked for 10 f’ing 20 pound bags of ice, so I filled up a cart and brought it to her car. She sat her ass down in the front seat as I loaded them into the trunk. We carry ...