The way a company hires developers can say a lot about their culture. Is there a very strict HR followed process, tests and the type of those tests, culture-fit interviews, etc. While the point of all this is to test ...

If your team is trying Agile for the first time, then there is a big chance you guys are using Scrum. Scrum is an easy proposition at first glance, push out product increments at a consistent pace with stakeholders feedback, ...

(This article is a follow up on Jason Fried Is group chat making you sweat? I suggest you read it before reading this one) It’s funny to think that 7-8 years ago companies were banning MSN messenger because they were ...

For the last three years, I have been implementing Scrum methodologies in the companies I have been joining. A couple of years ago I joined a company that was trying to rewrite its e-commerce website for a year and a ...

Over the years, I have been part of the hiring process of some 40 to 50 software developers, as with most engineers, the majority of my interviews were very technical, diving into code, processes, and architecture, one thing I learned ...