It’s back! We counted up all the hearts given to every Pen created in 2021 and created a list of the top 100. Marie and Chris chat about this year’s list. Who’s on it, what’s on it, and digging into ...

Lee Martin had a good idea here. On CodePen’s Live View, we use a parent<iframe> to listen for updates to the Pen and then inject them or refresh the preview automatically. But that parent <iframe> can be tricky to size. ...

There is a “Lorem ipsum” generator built right into Emmet, which we enable on CodePen by default. So if you type lorem-Tab, you’ll get some. Good to know: you can customize how much you get of it by adding numbers. ...

I have a little Pinned Pen of Things I Forget that I revisit quite a bit… when… I forget… things. It occurred to me the other day that it would be even more convenient as a menu bar app (macOS) ...

CodePen will host your assets, like images, data models, libraries, whatever. It’s quite useful! They are easy to browse, easy to copy URLs or code snippets of usage, served with the right headers from a fast global CDN, and heck, ...