Check them out on TikTok here. BuzzFeed Shopping editor Emma Lord swears by these and raves: “The moldable silicone of Mack’s Earplugs contours easily to the shape of your ear to block out noise much more effectively than other foam or plastic ...

Promising review: “I purchased this dress to wear to the office, and I was completely surprised when I tried it on how well it actually fit. It hangs well, the length is perfect, and since the dress is a lightweight ...

Promising review: “This exceeded my expectations. It’s attractive, simple to assemble, and extremely comfortable. The cushions are quite thin, and I immediately assumed I would replace them, but it’s not necessary. That’s how comfortable the chairs are!” —Christine Price: $189.99 (available ...

Promising review: “I can not say enough about how much this beach towel/blanket made a huge difference on my latest vacation! First, quality is top-notch, from the stitching to the quality of the material. Additionally, THE SPACE you save in ...

Get a closer look on TikTok!  BuzzFeed writer Emma Lord has these in her self-care toolkit:  “I’m a long-ish distance runner, and these were certainly an interesting experience for my feet! You slide them on and, after a few minutes, feel ...