14 Eye-Opening Anti-Capitalism Posts Black Friday and Christmas might be behind us, but buying “stuff” is definitely alive and well in the New Year. Here are 14 photos from r/anticonsumption that’ll make you think twice before your next unnecessary purchase: ...

15 Eye-Pleasing Photos That’ll Scratch An Itch You Had 1. This Tesla coil passing through a flower: 2. This 3D printer printing a swirling tree: 3. This piece of metal that you’d never know was two parts: 4. This before ...

14 Horrifying Photos That Made My Heart Drop Out Of My Tush Happy January! It’s a New Year, and I’m still feeling spooky, so here are 14 photos from r/oddlyterrifying to start your year off on a horrifying note: 1. ...

“A decade later, I still laugh with embarrassment…” View Entire Post › Source link ...

“This is the most Succession you guys have ever looked.” View Entire Post › Source link ...