13 Normal People Who Predicted The Future I’ve definitely had some eerie moments in life where I felt like I accurately predicted how something would turn out. Recently, I was perusing r/agedlikewine, and realized I’m not alone in these experiences. ...

“I am not actively manifesting anything.” View Entire Post › Source link ...

15 Lucid Dream Photos My reality has been feeling a little…off lately. The photos on the r/weird subreddit aren’t helping me feel more grounded. Here are 16 that freaked me the hell out this month: 1. “Actual purple rain in ...

“…From Millennials to Baby Boomers, every generation has had cultural subgroups that, at the time, were seen as non-basic, think hippies or hipsters. And just like every generation before them, Gen Z’s most popular and identifiable design trends will eventually ...

16 Blood-Boiling Rage Porn Photos Another day, another wave of intense rage over pretty much EVERYTHING. I’m in therapy, don’t worry. But instead of focusing on the things that piss us off in our own lives…why don’t we take a ...