I’m totally fascinated by medical images. If a friend breaks a bone, I wanna see the x-ray. So in case you’re like me, I’ve gathered 17 wild x-ray images from the depths of Reddit. Here they are: Note: We can’t ...

14 Skin-Crawling Distressing Photos I needed to feel something this week (even if that feeling was fear), so I took a scroll through r/oddlyterrifying. These are the 14 photos that left me slack-jawed: 1. “Millions of sardines mysteriously washed up ...

19 Eye-Widening Photos Of Things You Didn’t Know About You learn something new everyday…especially if you regularly peruse r/mildlyinteresting. Here are 19 photos that made me say, “Wow, I did not know that could happen:” 1. “My water bottle shrank ...

11 Aged Badly Photos: Things That Are No Longer True There’s nothing like the passage of time to reveal just how wrong people can be. Here are 11 wild examples of this from r/agedlikemilk: 1. This teacher who made a ...

@shouldiseeadoctor Hair tourniquets! 🚩 what is it? Hair wrapped around fingers, toes, or even genitals Usually occurs in infants Can cause amputation 🚩 check for this If baby is crying uncontrollably- yes I know it happens often- undress and check ...