from the hypocrizard dept If you go take a look at all the different posts we’ve done on the topic of Pokémon, you will be left with one undeniable conclusion: the people behind Pokémon content take IP rights very seriously. ...

from the why? dept If you go back and read nearly all of the posts we’ve done on luxury fashion company Louis Vuitton, you’ll see a history of a company that is about as big a pain in the ass ...

from the whoops dept The ongoing saga that is Microsoft’s attempt to purchase Activision Blizzard continues! As a brief review of the scoreboard will show: the EU has approved the purchase, the UK’s CMA has blocked it and Microsoft has ...

from the red-ink dept It’s crazy just how many posts we’ve done here on the subject of tattoos. But if you go and review the posts we have done on this topic, you will notice that the majority of them ...

from the consequences dept Actions, as they say, have consequences. Or potential consequences, at least, in the case of Microsoft battling with the FTC. In the ongoing drama that is Microsoft’s attempted purchase of Activision, the FTC filed for a ...