All we have is our legacy, folks. View Entire Post › Source link ...

Let’s see how many you know. View Entire Post › Source link ...

Picture this: You’re walking through the woods and you come upon some berries. It’s been days since you’ve eaten anything. Your stomach is rumbling. Your vision is blurring. This is some straight-up Gary Paulsen Hatchet stuff. Those berries look delicious. ...

My Dumb Little Brain Just Got Turned To Mush After Seeing These 22 Absolutely Mind-Bending Pictures For The First Time Last Week 1. This is what a turtle getting an x-ray looks like: 2. This is the view from the ...

19 Poor, Poor Souls Who Just Had A Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much Worse Week Than You If you just had the absolute worst day, just remember… 1. The person whose mom likes their ...