I Know It’s Wrong To Laugh, But These 19 Extremely Dumb Things People Posted On The Internet Last Week Are Absolutely Killing Me 2. On those little, special somethings: 4. On the hand you’re delt: 6. On beautiful decorations: 15. ...

This can’t be THAT hard. View Entire Post › Source link ...

My Dumb Little Brain Just Got Completely Blown After I Saw These 22 Absolutely Fascinating Pictures For The First Time Last Week 1. There’s a bird that looks JUST like Danny DeVito: 2. This is what a 4,500 pound block ...

19 Poor, Poor Souls Whose Week Was Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Than Yours If you just had a bad, bad, bad week, just remember… 1. The person whose truck lost its ...

50 Poor, Poor Souls Who Just Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Month Than You If you just had the absolute worst month, just remember… 1. The person whose car just ...