TikTok Chief Executive Shou Zi Chew met with the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce today and the five hours of questioning went as well as expected in that most, if not all, participants had already made their minds ...

Twitter Inc. today announced that it will revoke “legacy” verified badges in April as it made its Twitter Blue paid verification service available globally. Twitter Blue initially launched in November 2021 but underwent a shakeup a year later under the ...

WebAssembly startup Dylibso Inc. today announced that it has raised $6.6 million in new funding to help teams take WebAssembly to production. WebAssembly is a binary instruction format and a virtual machine that brings high performance to web browser applications, enabling developers to ...

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested a New York man on Wednesday on suspicion of running BreachForums, the popular internet forum that has become a favorite among hackers to share their exploits on the regular internet. Conon Brian Fitzpatrick, ...

Independent Living Systems LLC, a Florida-based healthcare and managed care solutions provider, has suffered a data breach with the records of some 4.2 million individuals potentially stolen. In a statement March 14, the company said it experienced an “incident involving the ...