Doctors tell us to try and get 10,000 steps a day, but almost no one uses a pedometer to check. Instead, we rely on our fitness smartwatches to tell us when we’ve hit our goal. But should you trust your ...

It makes sense why running apps all try to incorporate social media at some level. If everyone in your running club is using Strava or Nike Run Club, FOMO will dictate that you sign up too. That means more downloads, ...

This isn’t just an iterative upgrade. Campers and nighttime runners will really appreciate the double-tap flashlight, while any outdoorsy type will love how quickly the 2X recharges thanks to the improved Power Glass. Just be ready for a heavier Instinct ...

Plenty of reputable fitness brands rely on inhuman algorithms to recommend how hard to work out or when to rest. Amazfit’s Zepp app has similar tools with its PAI data, encouraging you to earn PAI based on your specific health ...

The PayPal-owned payment app Venmo is a popular service for sending money between friends, as well as paying small business owners for services or even purchasing stuff on Amazon. But unlike a credit card statement that only you can see, ...