Not only is this baby waterproof, but it can convert up to 23% of sunlight into usable energy, charging your devices even in bad weather. It folds right up and is easy to carry, so you can bring it anywhere ...

The Nalgene is perfect for water guzzlers or for times when you’re super thirsty, like after a workout or hike. The wide mouth makes it easy to drink a lot of water quickly; none of the slow sips that sucking ...

Satin pillowcases don’t just look fancy, they have actual beauty benefits. Since they’re less porous than cotton, they help hair retain moisture and natural oils. They also don’t leave creases on the skin the way other fabrics can. Promising review: ...

If you want to reduce your food costs, the first step is to figure out how much you’re currently spending, family budgeting expert Rob Bertman told HuffPost. “Sometimes, people will pick an amount out of thin air that they want their grocery ...

Feeling inspired to cut back on your soda consumption now? When you’re trying to figure out what to replace it with, Angelone says it’s helpful to think about what it is you like about soda so much. Is it the ...