Does nature nurture us to care for specific presentation of sentient beings – animals, insects, plankton, and humans? How does this socialization happen? Is there a code for cuteness? Have animals adapted – through intentional breeding – to human desires ...

Who misses the days when the sitting U.S. President would bestow his wisdom on the world? For example, insisting that drinking chlorine would cure the non-existent COVID-19 virus, intentionally made in a Chinese lab to stop America from being great ...

In Poverty, by America by Matthew Desmond, the Pulitzer prize-winning Princeton Sociologist explains how, in a capitalist society based on consumption, profit, and greed, wealthy people benefit from the poverty created by labor exploitation, as well as the tax breaks ...

“Nature is our teacher…All we have to do is pay attention” Before the garden of Eden was privatized by Christianity, it might have been a socialist cooperative. Ok, there were only two humans, one made from the rib of the ...