30 Restaurants That Need To Invest In Plates 1. This cotton candy hairpiece: 2. This shoe + pot combo that feels totally unnecessary: 4. This trash-turned-plate setup: 5. This carrot coffee cup: 7. This restaurant that was just clowning around: ...

14. “You get these kinds of people from time to time, but there are people who, no matter how much help you give them, just cannot understand what to do. You get people sometimes where you can straight up tell ...

17 Screenshots From Parenting Groups That Are So Toxic 1. This problematic parent with a problematic mother-in-law: 2. This parent who is super concerned about elf demons: 3. This parent who has got to be freaking kidding: 4. This scary ...

17. “My mom moved around a lot as a child due to the nature of her dad’s job, so she met a lot of kids over the years, but never really had long-term friends. In second grade she met a ...

2. “In downtown Nashville, there were two bachelorette parties in the same bar (that was on the smaller side compared to others). Both parties were dancing in front of the stage, and one of the bridesmaids from party A fell ...