On this week’s episode of The MacRumors Show, we discuss WWDC 2023 and whether Apple’s long-awaited mixed-reality headset will emerge at the event. Earlier this week, Apple announced that 2023’s WWDC will take place between June 5 and June 9. ...

Hardware prototyping consultant Ken Pillonel has added wires and a USB-C connector to a set of AirPods, bypassing the need for its charging case. Repair site iFixit has given all versions of the AirPods and AirPods Pro a score of ...

Some Apple employees are concerned about the usefulness and price point of the company’s upcoming mixed-reality headset, The New York Times reports. Initial enthusiasm around the device at the company has apparently become skepticism, according to eight current and former ...

Apple changed the strategy for iOS 17 later in its development process to add several new features, suggesting that the update may be more significant than previously thought, Bloomberg‘s Mark Gurman reports. In January, Gurman said that ‌iOS 17‌ could ...

On this week’s episode of The MacRumors Show, Christopher Lawley joins us to discuss iPadOS 17 and the next-generation iPad Pro. Christopher is a YouTuber dedicated to the iPad, automation, and productivity. He was a full-time ‌iPad‌ user for several ...