If your bike tires take forever to fill, or won’t get beyond some minimal PSI, you may need a new pump. I am a 51-year-old former bicycle shop worker and lifelong cyclist. I’ve had two or three bicycle floor pumps ...

Watching this guy drive forced birthers nuts by reading the Christian Bible to them is pretty satisfying. Folks using their Jesus to force others to obey is one thing, but listening to the actual words of the document they purport ...

Taco John’s has given up. Having decided that spending millions fighting off Taco Bell was a waste of money, the taco chain has abandoned its trademark of the widely celebrated weekly event. No word as to what LeBron is up ...

One of Star Wars’ most beloved spaceships, Hera Syndulla’s Ghost, along with its integrated Phantom scout craft, was the setting for much of the Rebel’s animated series. As the highly anticipated new series Ahsoka is about to launch; LEGO Star ...

Elon Musk sure fixed Twitter! Sharing some reporting from Mashable on how the whole blue checkmark fiasco has gone down subscriber-wise, and subscribers have gone down, TechDirt pretty much eviscerates the idea that Musk has any chance left to spin-doctor ...