After helming the Spider-Man trilogy in the 2000s, Sam Raimi made his return to the superhero space in 2022 with Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Divisive as it could be, it made quite a lot of money, and it led to ...
Terminator’s been largely on ice since 2019, but it’s returning with Terminator Zero. The upcoming anime is looking to expand the scope of the sci-fi thriller franchise by going to Japan and focusing on a new set of characters caught ...
Once people began hearing rumbles of the plethora of cameos and guest stars in Deadpool & Wolverine, you could practically hear the engine start running as discussions brewed about which should stick around beyond this movie. Marvel hasn’t made a call ...
Since 2016, the Power Rangers have been living well over in the world of comics. A variety of creative teams managed to tell some fun stories over the past eight years, but with the original saga now effectively over, that ...
There’s a lot of multiverse shenanigans in Deadpool & Wolverine, most notably the army of Deadpool variants in act three. The most famous of the bunch were of the Lady and Baby variety, but there were even more that somehow didn’t ...