The first 20 minutes (give or take) of the episode are a beautiful reminder of all the mutants we’ve seen in the show’s original run. We are re-introduced to Nightcrawler, Banshee, the White Queen, Sebastian Shaw, Callisto, Leech, the Morlocks, ...

From Santa Monica to The San Gabriel Valley, these are some of the best places to chow down. View Entire Post › Source link ...

Albert Kim, executive producer and showrunner of Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender, has a massive task on his hands. After M. Night Shyamalan’s live-action film left viewers disheartened, fans have been craving an adaptation that truly captures the heart of one of ...

Would you pay $399 for something if the seller told you he’s not sure when it will be delivered to you, what exactly it will look like, and you can’t get a refund? ‘We are not liable’: Fine print says ...

After all the excitement from the weekend, come Sunday afternoon it was hard to believe I still hadn’t even attended the big game.. I was exhausted but ready to watch Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs cement themselves in history. After the game, ...