With everything there is to juggle in life, it’s easy to assume that everyone experiences that sinking-in-quicksand feeling as they navigate another busy day. But if you find this feeling is paired with extreme levels of disorganization, inattention, and overwhelm, ...

If your mood fluctuations feel less like your usual stress and anxiety and more like the beginnings of a villain origin story (and you’re also experiencing symptoms like insomnia and feeling warmer than usual), it could be the beginning stages ...

Shop From The Back Of The Shelves Another thing McClintick does is check labels for “best by” or “use by” dates to find the items with the longest lifespan — it lowers the risk of you having to spend more ...

The Best Ways To Optimize Your Digestion As You Get Older All of this is understandably frustrating and concerning. But experts stress there are ways to minimize any effects from age-related stomach issues. They recommend: Chewing Better Better digestion begins ...

Slouching “Poor posture can deplete your energy levels by putting more pressure on your body’s muscles, joints and ligaments,” said Naueen Safdar, medical director at EHE Health. “Your body has to use more energy to compensate, leading to fatigue.”  The ...