On the episode, Sharon said, “Did I like everything [Piers] said? Did I agree with what he said? No. Because it’s his opinion. It’s not my opinion. … I support him for his freedom of speech, and he’s my friend. ...

At her surprise 1997 wedding to Matthew Broderick in New York, Sarah Jessica Parker wore an iconic black Morgane Le Fay gown. She decided to buy a dark dress off the rack to help protect her wedding’s secrecy. View Entire ...

When shooting Apocalypse Now, Marlon Brando completely threw director Francis Ford Coppola’s vision for his character out the window. He went the method acting route, refused to memorize most of his lines, and improvised the majority of the time. View ...

The day before Connor Ratliff was scheduled to shoot his scenes for Band of Brothers, executive producer/director Tom Hanks fired him for having “dead eyes.” View Entire Post › Source link ...

When an interviewer brought up the time her A Change of Seasons costar Anthony Hopkins called her “the most obnoxious actor” he ever worked with, Shirley MacLaine said, “I didn’t like him either.” View Entire Post › Source link ...