Alex Jones—the bloated, misanthropic mannequin that spews hate and conspiracies with robotic efficiency—found himself at the mercy of a prank call earlier this week by a man claiming to be ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson. The jig was up, according ...

Ever wanted to feel as small as Mario did when confronted by his original, seven-foot tall gorilla nemesis? On Monday, the Strong National Museum of Play shared its new plans to create an enormous, 20-foot-tall Donkey Kong arcade cabinet. Even ...

The world’s largest crypto exchange is on the hunt for a user it says publicly posted the keys to its crypto kingdom. In court documents first filed April 7, Binance asked the court to grant a subpoena against GitHub, trying ...

On Tuesday, Expedia said it was slapping a beta ChatGPT interface into its app. The interface should let users plan their vacation by offering the chatbot your preferences, time of stay, and budget, and the system should create some natural ...

As cool as you might think your Apple Music or Spotify playlist title is, you probably don’t want any random user finding out that your hiking playlist is exclusively made up of the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. Unfortunately, some ...