In Liferay 7.4 we can deactivate or activate a module for Liferay portal. This can be done using the components and app manager section from the control panel.    But Liferay doesn’t provide any feature to activate or deactivate a ...

Introduction: Auth0 is a cloud-based identity platform that allows developers to easily add authentication and authorization capabilities to their applications. It provides a range of tools and services to help developers implement secure and seamless authentication and authorization workflows, including ...

We are all aware of the digital transformation happening worldwide. Things have gotten easier with Mobile apps, and business operations are made easier with business portals. So, the 21st century is all about digital transformation and upgrading your business with ...

Because the OAuth standard is intentionally ambiguous and flexible, OAuth authentication flows can occur. Each grant type has a small number of essential elements for basic functionality, but the vast rest of the implementation is entirely optional. This includes numerous ...

Users have a secure way to access internet services without having to worry about their login credentials thanks to the OAuth authentication framework. The most recent version of an open standard, OAuth 2.0, was developed to enable generic apps to ...