Are you looking for sustainable growth in your business? Well, innovation is the key and designing new products as per the evolving market needs is the ultimate solution. So, if you want to excel in your industry, you will require ...

Digital businesses are capturing large shares of the traditional market faster than expected. With the growth in population, the need for customized apps is growing. In fact, 89% of U.S. marketers claimed that customization of apps resulted in an increase ...

Did you know that the first embedded system was developed about 50 years ago? Interestingly, now embedded systems surround us at every turn of life. It exists in automobiles, transportation, medical equipment, communication, industrial automation, and more!! By 2025, over ...

Many leading businesses understand that developing new products is complex. To manufacture smart products, they recognize the need of implementing the best digital product development process in order to gain the optimum result. They recognize that the need to leverage ...

“The use of medical device development is opening new frontiers across the healthcare industry.” Have you ever wondered what innovative development a medical industry can implement? Since the onset of COVID-19, societal changes have occurred in embracing healthcare remotely. However, ...