This year’s report on the O’Reilly learning platform takes a detailed look at how our customers used the platform. Our goal is to find out what they’re interested in now and how that changed from 2021—and to make some predictions about what 2023 will ...

This month’s news seems to have been derailed by the three-ring circus: Musk and Twitter, Musk and Tesla, and SBF and FTX. That said, there are a lot of important things happening. We usually don’t say much about computing hardware, ...

Everybody knows about ChatGPT. And everybody knows about ChatGPT’s propensity to “make up” facts and details when it needs to, a phenomenon that’s come to be called “hallucination.” And everyone has seen arguments that this will bring about the end ...

It’s been well publicized that Google’s Bard made some factual errors when it was demoed, and Google paid for these mistakes with a significant drop in their stock price. What didn’t receive as much news coverage (though in the last ...