from the the-company-is-a-future-adversary-to-its-current-plans dept I continue to be fascinated in watching how the various decentralized protocol-based social media systems are evolving — in particular how they’re dealing with the challenges of content moderation. There was an interesting discussion a recently ...

from the working-the-refs dept There are some fairly strict rules about communicating with government agency employees regarding some matter that they’re adjudicating, without making those communications public. We want whatever administrative state we have to have any attempts to influence ...

from the connecting-with-fans dept Back in January, Walled Culture wrote about an interesting initiative by the German online audio distribution platform and music sharing service SoundCloud, with its Fan-Powered Royalties (FPR) approach. At the time, we noted that it was a ...

from the we-want-your-comment-if-you-can-find-how-to-submit-it dept Via Tarah Wheeler (who just destroyed the EARN IT Act recently) we find out that, while the White House has announced that it wants public comment on AI regulation, it hasn’t made it at all easy ...

from the share-the-knowledge dept Open access has been discussed many times here on Techdirt. There are several strands to its story. It’s about allowing the public to access research they have paid for through tax-funded grants, without needing to take out often ...