Browsing any website is an activity full of events. Users moving their mouse is an event and so is users clicking anywhere on the website. Similarly, users typing something or resizing the browser window is also an event. Programmers are ...

You probably already know that JavaScript is a single-threaded programming language. This means that JavaScript runs on a single main thread within web browsers or Node.js. Running on a single main thread means that only one piece of JavaScript code ...

In our previous tutorial, we learned how to get and set the value for months, days, years, and time for any Date object. The ability to get and set these date values can come in handy in a many situations. ...

JavaScript has a Date object that you can use to store information about any point in time. Dates in JavaScript basically represent the total number of milliseconds that have passed since the “Unix epoch”—since the start of January 1, 1970, ...

Any kind of DOM manipulation first requires you to select the DOM elements that you want to manipulate. There are quite a few methods that you can use to get access to any element in your DOM. In this tutorial, ...