The FBI, Interpol and the UK’s National Crime Agency have accused Meta of making a “purposeful” decision to increase end-to-end encryption in a way that in effect “blindfolds” them to child sex abuse. From a report: The Virtual Global Taskforce, ...

US tech giants, grappling with a post-pandemic slowdown, have already laid off tens of thousands of workers. Now they’re dumping millions of square feet of office space, pushing vacancies in city centers to record highs and ratcheting up pressure on ...

Business is booming in India’s $117 billion education industry and new colleges are popping up at breakneck speed. Yet thousands of young Indians are finding themselves graduating with limited or no skills, undercutting the economy at a pivotal moment of ...

It’s been a rollercoaster ride for Korean tech conglomerates LG and Samsung. In 2021, it was reported that they were about to reach a major business deal regarding OLED panels, but in 2022 it seemed like the talks fell through. ...

Once the leading player in the semiconductor industry, the company is attempting to pull off one of tech’s most complex turnrounds. From a report: It was nearly a decade ago when Intel, then the undisputed leader in global semiconductor manufacturing, ...