Thousands of celebrities, journalists, influencers, and politicians woke up today with their legacy Twitter blue ticks removed. The famous celebs who lose legacy blue ticks on twitter as Oprah Winfrey, Justin Bieber, Beyonce, Harry styles, Kim Kardeshaian, Bill Gates, JK ...

Google has made significant changes to its AI research divisions to accelerate progress in the field of artificial intelligence. The company has announced that it will merge Google Brain and Alphabet’s DeepMind.  These influential AI research teams are bringing together ...

In the latest tweet today, Twitter boss Elon Musk threatened to sue Microsoft over the illegal use of Twitter’s data.  The tweet reply read, “They trained illegally using Twitter data. Lawsuit time.” This threat from Elon comes as a reply ...

India as the 2nd largest smartphone market was surprisingly still missing an official Apple store.  That changed last Tuesday, 18th April when the first-ever Apple store opened for business in Mumbai at the Jio world center, BKC. The smartphone maker ...

Since OpenAI introduced ChatGPT in November 2022, Google has noticed its rising popularity amongst people. To address that demand and protect its core business, Google is actively engaged in several projects.  According to the latest report from the New York ...