Everything You Need To Know About New Netflix Drama Bodies New Netflix drama Bodies drops on the streamer this week, and I’m here to tell you, this show ~needs~ to be your next binge! The show is based on a ...

15 Gay And Queer Actors Who Played Straight Characters It’s been an ~interesting~ journey for queer people in the movie and television industry. Once upon a time, gay and lesbian actors, specifically, had to stay in the closet, and there ...

Like Jackie Cox, Marcia just seemed to be having a lot of fun with this character – and who would’ve ever expected it from her?! It was camp, it was interactive, and it was high energy. I don’t know have ...

Will we see any of the other Loki variants return – specifically “Kid Loki” and “Croki”? (submitted by @lokiusera and @ImSheWhoRemains) Kevin: It’s hard to say without spoiling anything, but I would say that we didn’t want to go back and just ...

These 28 Celebrity Lookalikes Should Totally Play Siblings On Screen I’m only a little bit (read: a lot) obsessed with on screen siblings. So, here are 28 I just think NEED to happen… 4. Jennifer Hudson and Coco Jones 5. ...