Imagine that you’re busy with a project that’s become a lifeblood of your company. The release is just a few days away and the schedule is tight. You work overtime or spend your 9-5 switching back and forth between a ...

With the growing popularity of cloud computing, legacy apps are driving toward an impending demise, and transferring legacy apps is becoming a must. Gartner forecasts that the worldwide public cloud revenue will grow 21.4 % in 2018 to a total ...

While Java 10 is said to be the new kid on the block, rumors about 11 are already spreading fast. Now, let’s be honest: how many of you have made the upgrade to J10? I can bet that the majority ...

SpringOne by Pivotal is one of the most anticipated series of events for developers around the world. The London edition gathered the brightest and boldest minds of the technology industry. It co-located a string of presentations about Application Development, DevOps, ...

At Grape Up, we define DevOps as an engineering culture which unifies software development and operations, from first designs through development to production. If followed correctly, DevOps bridges the gap between these two IT groups. DevOps engineers often work at ...