While the online mode of examination is convenient, students may use unfair means during the examination. On the other hand, using online resources when writing the test papers and communicating with other batchmates is easy as no supervisor is present ...

The Internet of Medical Things is an accumulation of healthcare gadgets that are frequently hooked up to the internet in order to operate. They typically connect to medical IT networks and assist in constantly monitoring patients’ health virtually, which can ...

A few years back, it was nearly impossible to detect a severe illness in the early stage, let alone make a virtual image of the infections spreading in someone’s body. But, now it is possible, thanks to VR and AR ...

4. Heavy Potential of Security Risks Privacy and cybersecurity considerations are a response that many enterprise firms in data-sensitive sectors have. That is true, too. The majority of digital transformation initiatives entail moving away from on-premise solutions and merging all ...