Best Money Saving Hacks, According To People Who Grew Up Poor

Best Money Saving Hacks, According To People Who Grew Up Poor


“Share what you have with the right people and they’ll share what they have with you.”


“This one came around for me big time.

Back when life was still good, I would occasionally give my neighbors a little pot of what I was cooking because I always ended up making too much. Then one day, a neighbor came over unannounced and saw that I was eating a bowl of plain rice for dinner, and immediately she could tell I was hitting on some hard times. I ran out of money because my business tanked during COVID, and losing my dad made me too depressed to get a job.

I was ashamed of people finding out how far I had fallen, but they did, and their reaction was not at all what I expected. Now they keep asking me every now and then how I’m doing, and I end up joining dinner sometimes. Life is slowly getting back on the rails again for me, thanks to my sweet neighbors having my back during tough times.

Point of the story: Be kind to others and you shall receive kindness in multitude when it matters. Caring is an investment.”


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