Bizarre Old Laws That Controlled Women

Bizarre Old Laws That Controlled Women


Unchaperoned shopping was a big no-no…

In the 19th century, it was considered improper for women, especially those of the middle and upper classes, to be alone in public. Oftentimes, stores and other public places were closed, and in some cases, it was even illegal for them to enter on their own. Historian Emily Remus wrote, “America’s downtowns were primarily spaces that women were expected to move through, not linger in or enjoy. Without a male escort, women were refused service in most restaurants, cafés, and hotels, while saloons and private clubs simply closed their doors to female customers. Moreover, proper etiquette discouraged women from lingering on sidewalks, stopping to look into store windows, handling merchandise, and even carrying packages. Indeed, women were discouraged from pursuing the public practices that sustained a culture of consumption.”

However, once department stores were popularized in the late 19th century, they quickly became women-friendly shopping spaces. They allowed women to become consumers and offered jobs that gave single women financial independence.

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