It’s been a rollercoaster ride for the popular messaging platform Telegram. At one end of the spectrum, reports about the app’s CEO getting arrested in France took center stage last weekend. On the other end, the messenger app just saw ...
The world was stunned to see the CEO of the famous texting platform Telegram arrested after landing in France recently. A lot of questions were raised including whether or not the decision had a political intention. Now, French President Macron ...
French authorities have extended the detention of Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, after arresting him at a Paris airport on Saturday. The Russian-born tech entrepreneur is accused of several crimes related to his messaging app, including fraud, drug trafficking, ...
Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of messaging app Telegram, was arrested on Saturday evening while leaving his private jet at France’s Bourget airport, according to French television network TF1. Reports of Durov’s arrest sparked widespread discussion and speculation on social ...
Telegram is getting into the race to attract more creators to the app. The company just rolled out new monetization opportunities that creators can take advantage of. Amongst those include monthly subscriptions through the platform’s digital currency called Stars. This ...