Did you know Here Are the Best Places to Work in 2021 According to Glassdoor

Did you know Here Are the Best Places to Work in 2021 According to Glassdoor

Glassdoor is a company that is meant to make it so that anyone that might be looking for some kind of a job would be able to access an accurate assessment of the employer that they had been thinking of applying to. This year Glassdoor has released another list of the best employers to opt for, and one thing to note is that a shift has been seen as far as tech companies and the like are concerned. There are fewer tech companies in the list this year, but the ones that are there are getting higher ratings than they received last year.

This indicates that 2020 has been hard on a lot of smaller tech employers, but the bigger tech companies out there such as Apple, Facebook and Salesforce seem to be doing quite well which is reflected in the lifestyles that their employees get to enjoy. This does not bode well for a lot of startups though since it indicates that attracting new talent might be a little more difficult from here on out due to the reason that most new tech employees are only ever going to end up being interested in applying to the bigger companies in the industry. 

Google got some good reviews on the platform, with one reviewer noting how much Google emphasizes a healthy work/life balance and how most of the employees at the company seem like they are the cream of the crop which again leads to a much more positive work environment because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up making collaborations with colleagues a great deal easier than might have been the case otherwise.

Facebook received praise from a reviewer for facilitating an easy transition for its employees working from home. Such a thing is most definitely going to be relevant in the coming year since it can lead to many potential employees feeling safe when they choose to apply to Facebook in the first place. These employees are going to want some kind of assurance that their work from home lifestyle can be boosted to a certain extent, and it’s likely that Facebook will start getting a lot more applications this year due to its tendency to support employees that are at risk of contracting covid-19 or perhaps just want to play it safe in the short term.