Do You Work A Job That Actually Pays Surprisingly Well? If So, Please Share What It Is With The Rest Of Us

Do You Work A Job That Actually Pays Surprisingly Well? If So, Please Share What It Is With The Rest Of Us

In adult life, it’s pretty common to have a job (whether we want to or not), and get paid money for doing said job.


And as we all know, there are some jobs that pay better than others. But what about the jobs that secretly pay super well —the ones you wouldn’t necessarily expect?


I’m super curious, which is why I’m turning to you, the BuzzFeed Community. If you have a job that pays surprisingly well, it’s time to share what that job is and how much you get paid (bonus points if you actually enjoy your job!).


Maybe you’re like this dog groomer and consistently rake in over $90,000 per year, all while giving furry friends adorable haircuts.

Or maybe you’re a garbage collector and think people would be surprised to know that in your particular state, you pull in over $100,000 per year plus amazing benefits.

Visoot Uthairam / Getty Images

Or maybe you’re a funeral director who makes well over $75,000 per year, but that’s not common knowledge because it’s such a specific job.

Urbazon / Getty Images

Whatever your secretly well-paid profession, please share it in the comments! Or, use this anonymous Google form. Make sure to mention what you do, how much you get paid, and any other tidbits you think readers might be surprised to know! We may feature your responses in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.

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