Enable Template Path Hints Magento2

Enable Template Path Hints Magento2 assist you in the process of defining, for example, a .php block class that corresponds to one of your store’s specific page areas. You are also able to locate the .phtml files easier and of course edit them more quickly thanks to the notation added with each path’s template. The code can be found both on the frontend and the backend in the Magento file structure.

  • Enable Template Path Hints Magento2
  • Step 1: Go to admin panel
  • Step 2: Choose Store > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Debug > Enabled Template Path Hints for Storefront
  • Step 3: Click Yes to Enabled Template Path Hints

Enabled Template Path Hints for Admin

Go to the admin panel:

Store > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Debug > Enabled Template Path Hints for Admin > Yes

Choose whether you want it to be enabled for StoreFront or Admin. Select Yes in the Add Block Names to Hints select box in case you want template path hints to show a block PHP class name additionally to PHTML template file path.


Enable Template Path Hints Command Line

php bin/magento dev:template-hints:enable
php bin/magento dev:template-hints:disable

Flush Cache if any.

Now you have completed the template path hints enabling process for your Magento 2 store. When you have any questions, feel free to discuss with us below. And remember to check out the following related topics to get more insight into this issue.

Happy coding!

Learn more from this link : https://developer.adobe.com/

check for other blogs as well: https://webkul.com/blog/graphql-mutation-2/

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