How Kids Changed Parents’ Relationship With Their Pets

How Kids Changed Parents' Relationship With Their Pets

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“Not my children but my cat. Before I adopted her, she lived with a couple for four years from when she was a kitten. I’m told for the first few years of her life, she was their world; she was very trusting and affectionate, but once the couple had children, the children treated her awfully. The children, as soon as they started crawling, would grab her, pull her tail and fur so it came out in clumps. She would lash out to protect herself, scratching the children. Because of the scratches to the children, her owners decided to shut her in the garage 24/7 rather than try and fix the bad behaviors and wouldn’t give her to the shelter because they didn’t want to completely give her up.”

“She spent years living like that and became very overweight. I ended up adopting her from a shelter four years ago after she’d spent years in that garage and nearly two years in the shelter. It was clear she was traumatized. Though I’m pleased to say she has recovered, she still has a fear of seeing hands she doesn’t know coming toward her but is otherwise a completely loving, playful, and affectionate cat.”

—Anonymous, England

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