How Much Does It Cost for Mobile App Development Solutions

Cost of Developing a Mobile Application:

When developing a mobile application, there is no fixed price tag truly. The rate, time and requirements of the application are different from one another. However, this indicates the various factor that helps developers or mobile app development companies estimate their final cost.

Factors that help in determining the cost of development:

Certain available aspects help in determining the cost of the application. The price range is between $15,000-$300,000. The amount you pay for a specific app may create a difference according to various factors that are:

  • Features complexity.
  • Location of the development company.
  • App type.
  • Development team ( high level-low level)

The level of your application complexity helps to identify the accurate cost. The complexity refers to whether the app is simple, average or complex. Besides this, more factors are present that help you finalize the total mobile app development cost. I.e., app type, by region (in which country the development process takes place). Below are the tables that help you gain a better understanding of it.

App Development Cost By Complexity:

The application’s function helps identify its complexity, features and component that holds the most value. The complication can also be referred to as the difficulty that a developer faces while the development process.

Despite the latter’s diversity of features and functionalities, a typical Fintech mobile application is more complex than a single-page to-do list app.

However, the fact that a mobile app serves one goal does not necessarily mean that it is not complex. Compared to the majority of multipurpose apps, some of them are more complex. 2 examples are:

Instagram: Although a single-purpose image and video social media app, it has a backend with highly complicated algorithms that filter and choose which ads and images to show users based on various parameters.

Spotify: A technological platform with somewhat sophisticated functions. One is the admiringly complex transmission technique that runs the offline music streaming mode.

To make it more understandable, we will elaborate on it through a spreadsheet that displays the cost breakdown into three types.

BASIC  $40,000 – $60,000 2-3 Months  Internet speed checker app
AVERAGE $60,000 – $150,000 3-6 Months Beauty and health app
COMPLEX $150,000 – $300,000+ 9+ Months Snapchat.

Cost Estimation by Location/ Region:

The region of app development plays a crucial role that influences the development cost.

Compared to the other areas, the average cost of hiring a developer in the United States is higher.

AUSTRALIA $100-$120

Cost Estimation by Application type:

Estimating the cost from the app type is another crucial factor because different app types require separate cost structures.

IOS $60,000
Android $50,000
Cross Platform $80,000

The development price is higher in cross-platform because the application can function excellently on both IOS and Android.

Cost Estimation by Developers Team:

Last but not least, the most cost-significant factor is to whom you will give your app development project.

Internal Development Team $400,000
Software Developer Agency  $50,000
Freelancers $30,000

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