I Asked AI What Boomers Think Millennials Who Work These “Stereotypically Millennial” Jobs Look Like, And The Results Are Just Plain Mean

I Asked AI What Boomers Think Millennials Who Work These “Stereotypically Millennial” Jobs Look Like, And The Results Are Just Plain Mean

Here at BuzzFeed, we are constantly freaking out about the so called “generation wars” between Boomers and Millennials and Gen Z. That’s why I asked AI, job by job, what boomers REALLY think about some of the most popular jobs millennials have. The results may, well, surprise you… and not in a good way. Let’s get started:

Quick side-note: the following images were created using generative AI image models for the sake of entertainment and curiosity. The images also reveal the biases and stereotypes that currently exist within AI models and are not meant to be seen as accurate or full depictions of human experience.

1. School teacher:

2. Waiter:

3. Podcast host:

4. Bartender:

5. Computer programmer:

6. Retail worker:

7. Barista:

8. Ride-share driver:

9. Journalist:

10. Remote worker:

11. Bitcoin/cryptocurrency investor:

12. Graphic designer:

13. Professional gamer:

14. Social media intern:

15. Office worker:

16. Social media influencer:

17. Yoga instructor:

18. Personal trainer:

19. Therapist:

20. Chef:

21. Nurse:

22. Youtuber:

23. Tattoo artist:

24. Cannabis industry worker:

25. Fast food worker:

26. Blogger:

27. Dog walker:

28. Customer service representative:

29. Hairdresser:

30. And college professor:

Hmmm. Interesting.

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